Welcome to the St Dominic Parish Council Website
Welcome to the website of St Dominic Parish Council
The aim of this website is to provide both residents of St Dominick parish and visitors with information about the Parish Council and local area.
St Dominick is a charming and picturesque rural parish located on the east Cornwall border in the heart of the Tamar Valley, an designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
The parish has a population of about 900 and is made up of several small settlements including St Dominick village, Ashton, Botherick, Halton Quay.
Community spirit is strong and the local area offers a wealth of things to do and see for those from near or far.
The nearest main towns are Callington (approx 4 miles) and Saltash (approx 7 miles). The historic city of Plymouth is only a short drive beyond Saltash over the Tamar Bridge.
The latest copy of St Dominic Community Emergency Plan is available here. The names and contact details of co-ordinators and key volunteers is in the document.
It's Show Time for St Dominic
Classes for Adults and Juniors
In Flowers, Vegetables and Fruit, Floral Arrangements Cookery, Handicrafts, Art and Photography
CUPS TO BE PRESENTED At 4.30 followed by Raffle
Refreshments Available throughout the afternoon *
The Vacancy on St Dominic Parish Council has been filled.
Cllr Dawn Hunn has now been co-opted.
St Dominic Parish Council Privacy Notice
Your privacy is very important and great care is taken to protect it. Your data will only be shared in very specific circumstances and only with your permission. The Council's General Privacy Notice can be viewed and downloaded on this website by following the link to Policies and Procedures. If you have any questions about your privacy, contact the Data Protection Officer using the enquiries link below.
Planning Applications
Brendon Farm St Dominick Saltash Cornwall extension to front and access improvements
Cotehele Mill St Dominick; Listed building consent for the installation of a motor to drive the mill machinery and new electric cabling within the Mill building.
Cotehele St Dominick Cornwall PL12 6TA: Improvements to accessible parking and paving, inclusion of a Changing Places facility and the provision of a new mobility scooter storage and charging shed
Cotehele St Dominick Cornwall PL12 6TA; Listed Building consent for improvements to accessible parking and paving, inclusion of a Changing Places facility and the provision of a new mobility scooter storage and charging shed
The Stables Gooseford Farm:Change of use of part of rural building to dwellinghouse, together with associated works on land (retrospective)
Land Off Vogus Lane Vogus Lane St Dominick Saltash: Hedgerow removal notice for the creation of a gateway to allow access onto the neighbouring land.
St Dominic Parish Hall St Dominick Saltash Cornwall PL12 6TD Hedgerow removal notice to create a pedestrian access between Lovells Recreation field and the Community Shop and the St Dominick Parish Hall within the car park. A pedestrian gate will be installed.
Hybrid Application for 14 houses at The Meadows, Stone Cross, includes 6 new documents. We are awaiting progress on this application.